Finding Happiness Through Connection

Aug. 6, 2020

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My love of connection and understanding of human nature and behavior has made me realize a lot about the impact attention and connection has on our lives and vision(s). And ever since my experience with extreme depression and stress in 2015, I’ve realized just how much attention and connection play into our own happiness.

In other blog entries I talk about how effective attention leads to connecting with things or people that inspire you, which gives way to creativity. This is also the way to find consistent happiness. Effective attention leads to connecting with things or people that inspire you and bring about happiness.

This happens because connection has the potential to make you feel good in the moment. That feeling where your mind is saying, “Yes, this is what I need”.

You feel happy being with someone, or even just talking on the phone , because of that good feeling you get inside. That person has meaning in your life, even if it’s a working relationship, and so it naturally makes you happier, even if it’s a subtle feeling.

I won’t try to get into the science of happiness because I’m not a scientist, however it makes sense if you think about it. That’s why if you read an inspiring quote on social media, or see an encouraging message from a friend it makes you feel so good inside, and than you almost can’t help but feel happy, and/or find a smile. Or when you are working out, by giving full attention to the workout, that connection raises your serotonin, the happiness drug.

Connection doesn’t always create happiness, like for example when you need to talk to someone about something serious, and share feelings and emotion. And yet, even then it feels good to get those feelings, and that something serious off your chest, and with that comes happiness. Might be a more subtle happiness, but it’s still happiness.

There have been plenty of studies done about how selfish humans are. And if you think about what makes you happy it makes sense because of the desires that you have. You want to work out because it makes you feel good; You want to take breaks and go for walks because it keeps you from loosing the happiness in what you’re doing; Your doing this photoshoot or writing that song for your career because it feels good

In fact, when you feel unhappy, or frustrated, or any negative emotion, it’s because the connection feels more negative than positive — or even connection may not go the way you want it to. That’s why it’s SO important to connect with what makes you feel good and recognize those connections.

Connecting with what makes you feel good can bring a smile to your face, even in sad situations. That’s why sharing stories about someone recently passed might bright about a smile or two. And from that you can find happiness.

Not a lot of people realize how impactful connection and attention are in daily life, but if you really give attention to what and who you are connecting to you can find a spark of happiness, which hopefully will lead to continued happiness.

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